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Account Health Rating – New update policy từ Amazon

Thảo luận trong 'NewBie ( Người Mới )' bắt đầu bởi rise, 23/9/23.

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    Account Health Rating – New Update Policy from Amazon
    Bài viết này sẽ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về chính sách cập nhật mới của Amazon liên quan đến Account Health Rating (AHR) và cách nó có thể ảnh hưởng đến doanh nghiệp của bạn trên nền tảng thương mại điện tử này.
    I. What is Account Health Rating (AHR)?
    Account Health Rating (AHR) is a metric used by Amazon to evaluate the performance and health of seller accounts. It provides sellers with insights into their account's performance in areas such as order defect rate, late shipment rate, and pre-fulfillment cancel rate. Maintaining a good AHR is crucial for sellers as it directly impacts their ability to sell on Amazon and their overall success on the platform.
    II. The New Update Policy
    Amazon has recently implemented a new update policy regarding AHR, which has brought about significant changes for sellers. Here are some key points of the new policy:
    Stricter Performance Metrics: Under the new policy, Amazon has raised the bar for seller performance metrics. Sellers are now required to meet even higher standards to maintain a healthy AHR. This includes reducing the order defect rate, late shipment rate, and pre-fulfillment cancel rate.
    Enhanced Transparency: Amazon is now providing sellers with more detailed information about their AHR. This includes a breakdown of the specific metrics that contribute to their rating, allowing sellers to pinpoint areas that need improvement.
    Performance Improvement Tools: To help sellers meet the new standards, Amazon has introduced new performance improvement tools and resources. Sellers can access guidance and best practices on how to enhance their account health.
    Consequences of a Poor AHR: Sellers with a low AHR may face consequences such as account suspension or restrictions on their selling privileges. It's more important than ever for sellers to proactively monitor and improve their AHR.
    III. What Sellers Should Do
    Given these changes, here are some steps that sellers should take to adapt to the new AHR policy:
    Regularly Monitor Your AHR: Keep a close eye on your AHR metrics through your seller dashboard. Identify any areas where you may be falling short and take action to address them promptly.
    Utilize Amazon's Resources: Take advantage of the performance improvement tools and resources provided by Amazon. These can be invaluable in helping you meet the new standards.
    Customer Satisfaction: Focus on providing excellent customer service and ensuring that your products meet customer expectations. Happy customers are less likely to leave negative feedback that could impact your AHR.
    Improve Shipping and Fulfillment: Work on optimizing your shipping and fulfillment processes to reduce late shipments and pre-fulfillment cancellations.
    Seek Professional Guidance: If you're struggling to improve your AHR, consider seeking professional assistance from experts who specialize in Amazon selling. They can provide tailored guidance to boost your performance.
    In conclusion, Amazon's new update policy regarding Account Health Rating (AHR) is a significant development that all sellers on the platform should be aware of. By understanding the policy changes and taking proactive steps to meet the new standards, sellers can continue to thrive and succeed on Amazon's e-commerce platform. Remember that a healthy AHR not only benefits your business but also enhances the overall customer experience on Amazon. Stay informed, stay proactive, and adapt to these changes for long-term success.
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