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- Em mới dùng Paypal và bị Paypal đấm không trượt phát nào . Ai đó tư vấn...

Thảo luận trong 'Buy, Sell or Trade' bắt đầu bởi Nguyen Ngoc Anh, 9/12/20.

  1. - Em mới dùng Paypal và bị Paypal đấm không trượt phát nào . Ai đó tư vấn cho em với

    4. Please add a bank account under your company for withdrawing funds in the future.

    5. Business registration certificate

    6. A valid proof of address document in your company's name
    - Proof of address document, such as a copy of a utility bill issued officially, bank or credit card statement. Please note the address on the statement must match the PayPal account and the date of issued must be in recent 12 months.

    7. A letter of authorization on official letterhead of the company, signed by director of the company, to indicate the authorized persons (the PayPal account holder must be authorized) to manage all PayPal account related activities.
    (1) The letter needs to be printed on the company's letterhead. The company stamp should be added in the signature section.
    (2) Please include the PayPal account registered email address in the authorization letter.
    (3) Please state that the authorized person (name and title) is acting for and on behalf of the organization in handling all matters related to the management of the PayPal business account. (Generally speaking, the authorized person should include primary account user and secondary user who has the money movement access)
    (4) The person signing the letter should be a different person from the authorized PayPal account holder and should be managing director, owner, CEO or CFO With printed name, signature, title and date.
    (5) Please use the full legal name for each authorized & authorizing person in the letter, and no acronym or abbreviation shall be included.

    8. If there's any individual who ultimately owns more than 25% of the business, please provide their names, date of birth, residential address and percentage of business they own. If it's a company that owns more than 25% of the business, please list the information of the owners of the holding company.
    ___________ ___________ _____________________ ___________
    ___________ ___________ _____________________ ___________

    Please also provide any official documents or official website URL showing above information, such as Companies Act.

    *If there is no individual who owns 25% or more than 25% of the business, please indicate this below: No individual owns 25% or more than 25% of the business;
    Please also provide details(name, date of birth, residential address) of a Senior Management Official who has voting rights or is in a position to exercise significant authority over the finances and operations of the business.

    9. Also, please provide us with following documents for the Beneficial Owners or Senior Management Officials stated above.
    -a copy of a government-issued photo ID, for example, National Identity Card, passport;
    -a proof of address document, such as a copy of a utility bill, bank or credit card statement issued within recent 12 months.

    10. Please provide the name and position of other directors and office bearers in the company.

    11. Please update above information of your beneficial owners(senior management officials) and office bearers on your PayPal Account.
    Here's how to add this information to your business account:
    (1) Log in to your PayPal account.
    (2) Click "Profile" near the top right corner of the page.
    (3) Click "Profile and settings".
    (4) Click "Edit" or "Update" beside "Business information".
    (5) In the "Owners, directors and connected parties" section, where applicable, click "Add a beneficial owner"(also applied to senior management officials), "Add an official bearer" or "Add an individual partner".
    (6) Enter the required information and click "Save".

    Please follow these instructions to upload your document(s):
    1. Log in to your PayPal account.
    2. Click 'Resolution Center' near the top of the page.
    3. You will see a list of steps waiting for your response. Click 'Resolve' under the Action column beside each step.

    We'll email you after we receive and review your information. Please note that we may ask you for more information if needed.

    We appreciate your cooperation and timely response.
  2. MiguelBreanna

    MiguelBreanna Người bắt chuyện

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