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HIJACK khi bán hàng trên Amazon nên hay không ?

Thảo luận trong 'Hỏi Xoáy - Đáp Xoay' bắt đầu bởi camrry55, 23/9/23.

  1. camrry55

    camrry55 Ngôi sao đang lên

    Title: HIJACK khi bán hàng trên Amazon nên hay không? - To HIJACK or not to HIJACK when selling on Amazon?
    Introduction (Giới thiệu):
    In the vast e-commerce landscape, Amazon stands out as a Goliath among the Davids. With millions of sellers and customers worldwide, it's no wonder that many entrepreneurs are drawn to the platform in the hopes of striking e-commerce gold. However, navigating Amazon's competitive marketplace can be challenging, and the question often arises: should you HIJACK when selling on Amazon?
    Phần 1: What is HIJACKing on Amazon? (HIJACK là gì trên Amazon?)
    Before diving into the debate, let's first clarify what HIJACKing means in the context of Amazon. HIJACKing refers to the practice of listing a product on Amazon's marketplace, usually at a lower price, without the authorization or ownership of the original brand owner or authorized seller. This often involves selling counterfeit or unauthorized versions of popular products.
    Phần 2: The Pros of HIJACKing (Những lợi ích của việc HIJACK):
    Quick Entry to the Market (Tiếp cận thị trường nhanh chóng): One of the primary advantages of HIJACKing is that it allows new sellers to enter the Amazon marketplace swiftly. By piggybacking on existing product listings, you can skip the time-consuming process of creating your own product listing.
    Lower Prices (Giá thấp hơn): HIJACKers often offer products at a lower price than authorized sellers. This competitive pricing can attract price-conscious Amazon shoppers, leading to increased sales.
    Profit Potential (Tiềm năng lợi nhuận): If you can source products at a lower cost or find a niche with high demand and low competition, HIJACKing can be a profitable venture.
    Phần 3: The Cons of HIJACKing (Nhược điểm của việc HIJACK):
    Legal and Ethical Issues (Vấn đề pháp lý và đạo đức): HIJACKing can be legally questionable, as it often involves selling unauthorized or counterfeit goods. Violating Amazon's policies can result in account suspension or permanent banning.
    Reputation Damage (Tổn thương danh tiếng): If customers receive subpar or counterfeit products from HIJACKers, it can harm the reputation of the original brand and negatively impact customer trust.
    Competition and Price Wars (Cạnh tranh và cuộc chiến giá): HIJACKing can lead to price wars with other sellers, eroding profit margins and making it difficult to sustain a business.
    Phần 4: Alternatives to HIJACKing (Lựa chọn thay thế cho việc HIJACK):
    Instead of HIJACKing, consider these alternatives:
    Private Labeling (Nhãn riêng): Create your own brand and unique product offerings to differentiate yourself from competitors.
    Authorized Reselling (Bán hàng được ủy quyền): Partner with brands as an authorized reseller to sell their products legally on Amazon.
    Dropshipping (Giao hàng từ nhà sản xuất): Start a dropshipping business, where you source products directly from suppliers without holding inventory.
    Phần 5: Conclusion (Kết luận):
    So, should you HIJACK when selling on Amazon? The answer isn't straightforward. While HIJACKing may offer some short-term benefits, the long-term risks and ethical concerns make it a questionable strategy. Instead, consider building a legitimate business on Amazon through authorized reselling, private labeling, or other ethical means. Ultimately, success on Amazon depends on providing value to customers and adhering to the platform's policies, ensuring a sustainable and reputable e-commerce venture.
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