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Mẫu đơn kháng cáo Youtube nếu kênh bị die

Thảo luận trong 'Kiếm Tiền Với Youtube' bắt đầu bởi shitshity, 19/8/17.

  1. shitshity

    shitshity Ngôi sao đang lên

    #1 shitshity, 19/8/17
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 19/8/17
    Mẫu kháng cáo youtube
    [LOCKER]Survey Scam Videos
    Abusive Channels
    Channels After Initial Termination
    Metadata Violations (Tag Spam in Description) Đây là trường hợp phổ biến nhất Youtuber Vietnam mắc phải, bạn ko được spam tag trong phần mô tả
    Phishing Videos
    Attempted Account Sale
    Sale of YouTube Partnership
    Sexual Content
    Incentivisation of Video Features
    Monetisation of Video Features
    Artificial Traffic (View, Favourite, Like Boosting)
    Shocking and/or Disgusting Content
    Impersonating Spam404
    Fraud Weight Loss/Muscle Gain Spam
    Get Rich Quick Scam
    Affiliate Spam
    Hướng giải quyết:
    - Điều trước tiên bạn ko vi phạm những lý do mình nêu ở trên, nếu bạn chắc chắc rằng bạn ko vi phạm, những điều mình nêu; bạn hãy làm theo các bước
    - Bước 1: https://support.google.com/accounts/contact/suspended…
    - Bước 2: Điền như form demo dưới đây và gởi đến [email protected]; [email protected]
    Form 1:
    This video "..........." (http://youtu.be/........) only has entertainment content. It was taken on parks with friendly person (no violation or no break any Youtube commodity rules) with over ...... views. We are sure that this video has good Để tìm hiểu thêm mời truy cập http://Facebook.com/KiemtienvoiYotube content. Please recheck, consider this case because we believe your effort to make Youtube community healthier.
    Form 2:
    Unsuspended Youtube Account (Title của mail)
    Dear Youtube team,

    Thanks you very much for re-reviewing my Youtube channel ....... and unsuspending my Youtube account!

    My whole Youtube account ........ was suspended due to a video that was flagged for spam, scam, and commercially deceptive content, and I have reviewed the community guidelines and I don't see how my video violates them in any way. According to Youtube's email, the only penatly was related to the video below. I could not agree with the reason for this penatly was because the video was allegedly flagged for spam, scam, and commercially deceptive which violates Youtube's Community Guidelines. These are the following reasons I don't agree with the penatly.

    1/ The contents of the video "................." does not contain any spam in the video or in the comments so it does not violate the spam policies. The video was................

    2/ The video does not utilize service that increase traffic artificially. All views and traffic are authentic.

    3/ The video does not contain misleading metadata. It would be awesome if you can take a look and address my issues. Again, thanks you very much for unsuspending my Youtube account
    Tên bạn:
    Tên kênh:
    Địa chỉ email:
    Số điện thoại:
    Thanks and Best Regards Youtube Team![/LOCKER]
  2. son ha

    son ha Thành Viên Mới

    Youtuber việt nam toàn dính vào mấy lỗi không thể kháng cáo nên hơi bị khó